Running solo around Australia for charity

Yoga and running

Weight of an individual multiplied by 3 or 4 is the quantity of influence of the heels on the ground. It is therefore not uncommon to become aware of joggers complaining of sore feet, tight hamstrings, even poor knees & backs. The discomfort experienced by joggers does not come from the workout itself yet from wrong equilibriums caused and intensified by running. This can easily be corrected by doing Yoga. However no jogger can last the inequalities that this effort presents. The persistent pain is extremely usual otherwise intensified by injury. This compensation transfers the stress on the joints, muscles, and even the other parts of the body. Because of this, muscular tissues to increase their effort to correct the inconsistency. And also, both the body and mind are conditioned and trained. In addition, yoga exercise establishes the fostering of body wisdom and confidence.